Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Looking for a lost Senior

Yesterday I spent all day in the rain helping search for a 71 year old lady who has Alzheimer's and wandered away from her home. This was the third day for the search and the only thing they have found so far were her shoes. The bloodhounds picked up a scent and followed it down a road to a bridge where it was lost again. It has been raining for several days and the creeks are out of their banks. This is not a good situation, and we may not find out anything about this lady until the water goes down. Hopefully there will be a positive out come.

We rode our 4 wheelers as much as we could and the areas that were too dense were worked by foot. As I participated in this search I could not help but reflect on my own mother. Mom had Alzheimer's and continued to get worse until her death in 2000. Mom got to where she did not know us kids, but would tell stories about her youth in Alabama.

I hope there is a positive outcome with this lady from Bonham Texas. This search gave time to reflect on how important our family is, and how fragile it can be also.

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